2011年3月23日 星期三


Communist Communion, Collective Leadership
Permanent Membership
Economic Independent and Media Pluralism
Permanent Permission Class Struggle
PRC Regime Iron Triangle Trinity
-P For Party - Communist Scalable Solution
-G For Government - Communist Only
-A For Liberation Army PLA
Class Conscious in
mainland China

Constitutional Monarchy VS Republic
Political Unification - Religion Unification
Religious Pluralism - Political Pluralism

Imperial era One Family Leadership
1. Between The Family War
2. Long-term Stability Peace
The purpose of the Republic System
Authoritarian Rule / Collective Rule
Collective Leadership One Party Only

The government regime trinity
Finance regime One dividing into Two
1. Internal Revenue Service
2. Charity Revenue Service

PRC The 11th National People's Congress :

We to insist on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Not to pursue the multi-party turns in power,
Not to pursue the diversification of the guiding ideology,
Not engage in privatization,
Not to pursue the federal system,
Not to pursue the three powers and the bicameral system,

Understanding - Chinese Characteristics
Synchronization - Socialism
Communism Proletariat as Protestant
Chinese people prefer the First One
Internal, Build Operate Transfer
External, Balance Of Terror BOT

Think tank: The reunification of China Solutions
Integration of the KMT and CPC partys 2 in one
Democratic Republican Party to proceed Collective Leadership
From Conquest To Concord
Voter Revolt, 4-2-1Baby Rebellion
Traitor Enemy Territory

Nature of the China Civil War:Elite + Peasant
Political and Religious Confrontation
The Republican National Convention

